hanji paper III

  • lightweight paper prints for pinning on a wall creating space for subtle air and shadow play
  • wrap a present using twine so it can be reused
  • use cellulose paste and make a forest light shade* or any sculpture
  • stitch directly onto the paper to accentuate the prints and pattern

*how to make a forest light shade

1 collect a large glass jar and tie string around the top to create a handle

2 hang the glass jar so you can work on it

3 apply cellulose paste liberally on the surface

4 tear your hanji paper

5 carefully wet the tear line with a water laden paintbrush

6 gently tear the paper which should part easily leaving a ‘deckle’ edge

7 use your paintbrush to apply the hanji paper to the surface of the glass

8 cover the bottom of the glass jar as well as the sides

9 fill the jar up with LED lights or a citronella candle to use outside

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